(continued from Booking Summary)

Working with Bookings

Finding and Recalling a Booking

There are several methods of finding and recalling an existing booking to the screen.

Screen Shot 57: Recall an Existing Booking

  1. Enter part of the booking name in the Name field and click the Find Button
  1. Enter part of the booking name in the Name field and click the Next or Previous buttons
  1. Enter the full booking reference in the Reference field and click the find button.

When the first method is used, if there is only one booking where the name matches the character string entered, then that booking will be found. If more than one booking shares the same character string, then a ‘Select Booking’ screen such as that shown in Screen Shot 58: Select Booking Screen – Name/Date Filter will display. This screen shows bookings where the name begins with the string entered and all others where the name alphabetically follows those found.

Further selection criteria are also available from the ‘Select Booking’ screen.

For this example, the characters ‘don’ have been entered in the booking name field and the Find button clicked.

The capitalisation or case is irrelevant in the booking header search. DON will return the same results as don.


Name/Date Filter

To recall a booking that displays in the list, highlight the booking and double click. The selected booking is recalled in total into the Fast bookings screen ready to be viewed, changed, messaged about, deleted, etc.

If the required booking is not listed, then use the further search fields displayed in the top half of the screen to find it.

If any changes are made to search criteria, the ‘Search’ button becomes active and must be clicked for the new search to begin.


Screen Shot 58: Select Booking Screen – Name/Date Filter

The default column headings in the scroll of bookings are Name, Reference, Travel Date, Date Entered, Agent, Currency, Consultant Code, Booking Status and Agent Reference. Lists of all columns that can be included/excluded are listed under Select Booking ScrollSelect Booking Scroll.

When the ‘Select Booking’ screen displays, the default search filters are by Name and Date. The Name/Date filter screen offers the following selections.

Name From

This field has the search string defaulted from the booking header screen. This can be changed if necessary.

Name Contains

This is a string search facility i.e. it will find bookings matching any combination of consecutive characters entered in the field. For example, typing “son” in this field and press the SEARCH button will also find and list the “Morrison” booking as well as Sontag and Donaldson.

Travel Date From/To

This filter will list only bookings with a booking header travel date between the specified dates. The default settings are 1 year prior to system date and 2 years after system date

Date Entered From/To

This filter will list only bookings with a booking entered date between the specified dates. The default settings are 1 year prior to system date and 2 years after system date


Selecting an agent will limit the search to only bookings for that agent.

Agent Reference

Specifying the agent reference will limit the search to bookings with the specific agent reference.


Entering a consultant code will limit the search to bookings for that consultant.

Multiple search criteria can be used at the same time e.g. search for all bookings entered this month and travelling over the next two months and starting with the letters “har” for consultant GRB and Agent WHINZD.


The sort order of the resulting list of bookings can be by any of the columns. The data can be sorted by double clicking the column heading

Pax Supplier Filter

Screen Shot 59: Select Booking Screen – Pax/Supplier Filter

This filter can be used to locate bookings based on Supplier and/or Pax Surname or Room Name.

Contains Supplier

Will find bookings with the selected supplier in them.

Service Date From/To

When used in conjunction with the ‘Contains Supplier’ field, this field can be used to locate bookings that have services using the supplier on/between specific dates

Surname From

Will search for bookings equal to or greater than the Pax Surname (see Screen Shot 8: Add New Booking Wizard - Pax Travelling Screen).

Surname Contains

A string search facility on the Pax Surname field. It will find bookings matching any combination of consecutive characters entered in the field. For example, typing “son” in this field and clicking the SEARCH button will also find and list the “Morrison” booking as well as Sontag and Donaldson

Room Name From

Will search for bookings equal to or greater than the Pax Room Name (see Screen Shot 8: Add New Booking Wizard - Pax Travelling Screen).

Room Name Contains

A string search facility on the Room Name field. It will find bookings matching any combination of consecutive characters entered in the field. For example, typing “son” in this field and press the SEARCH button will also find and list the “Morrison” booking as well as Sontag and Donaldson

Currency/Branch Filter

Screen Shot 60: Select Booking Screen – Currency/Branch Filter

This screen allows bookings to be filtered based Booking Currency, Booking Branch and Booking Department.

User Text Filter

Screen Shot 61: Select Booking Screen – User Text Filter

This selection screen allows booking searches based on data, which may have been entered into any of the Booking Header User Defined Text fields (See Booking Detail section).

When the booking to be recalled is in the list, double click it to load the booking into FastBook.

When a booking is loaded, the default screen is the Booking Summary detail screen as in Screen Shot 56: Booking Summary Screen. That screen shot is reproduced below.

Screen Shot 62: Recalled Booking - Booking Summary Screen

The Side Bar Tree Menu items on the left hand side of the screen enable any aspect of the booking to be viewed or changed.

The Booking Summary Screen is display only – items cannot be altered or added from this screen.


Menu items that are indented relate specifically to the menu item – e.g., Service List/Costs relates to the costs of a specific service, not the entire booking.

Menu Item


Used To

Pax Travelling


Edit/Add pax travelling details

Booking Detail Screen


Edit Booking Header details

Service List


Insert or delete services, as follows:


Service Details

Edit service dates, set service status



Edit service costs and quantities



Remove/Edit service pax and/or rooms



Edit/Add pickup and dropoff details


Voucher Text

Edit/Add voucher text


Enquiry Notes

View service enquiry notes



View/Edit/Take/Return service allocations


Service Notes

Add/Edit service notes


Substitute Service

Substitute service

Markups & Commissions


Apply/Edit mark and/or commission


Menu Item




Insert PCM

Insert a PCM into the Booking


Link/Unlink PCM

Change the PCM to/from the booking


PCM Services

View PCM services in the booking


Send Messages

Send Agent or Supplier messages


Produce Vouchers

Output booking vouchers


Produce Itinerary

Output booking itinerary

Accounts Summary


Create/Edit booking invoices/credit notes

Booking Utilities


Work with specific bookings, as follows:


Insert Days

Insert days between days


Delete Days

Delete days from between days


Insert Booking

Insert another booking into the booking


Delete Booking

Delete the booking


Change Name

Change the booking name


Change Travel Date

Change the booking travel date


Copy Booking

Copy the booking to a new name



Force a recalculation of the booking


Booking Notes

Add/Edit booking notes


Agent Notes

View agent notes

Booking Contacts


View Agent & Supplier booking contacts



View sent messages; send/view queue items


(continued in Pax Travelling)